Criterion 2

Good practice guides and other resources


Criterion 2 | Teaching and supporting student learning

The University of Melbourne. (2008). Educating the Net Generation.
This project investigated how first year students and their teachers use traditional and emerging technology-based tools in their everyday lives and to support student learning. The results were used to develop technology-based activities that enhance student learning including; student reflective journals through blogs, teacher provocateur and collaborative publishing through wiki, student-generated digital photo archives, student-generated podcasts and student sharing of online resources through social bookmarking. The activities were implemented within eight teaching and learning contexts across three partner universities. Details of the activities implemented, context, learning objectives, design of curriculum and assessment, set-up, staff and student support and evaluation of the learning activities are documented in the handbook. General guidelines and recommendations for the use of emerging technologies are also provided.

University of New South Wales. (2012). Student centered teaching.
This web resource explains the difference between a student centred and teacher focussed approach to teaching and learning. Topics covered include; why student centred teaching is effective, student demographics and learning styles, shallow vs. deep learning and different models of learning that are useful at a university level. Guidelines and resources are provided to assist teachers to implement a student centred approach. Video clips also provide discussion from teachers on; learning styles and the challenges of teaching, the importance of keeping up to date on knowledge, engagement, and empathising with students.

Partridge, H., Ponting, D., & McCay, M. Good practice report; blended learning: Australian Learning and Teaching Council.
This report provides a good practice directory of exemplar projects in which varied teaching activities and technologies have been implemented to improve student engagement and learning outcomes.

Richard F. (2013). Richard Felder’s Homepage; resources in science and engineering education.
Through this website Richard Felder offers guidance and tips for incorporating effective instructional techniques into teaching practice. In particular, the website contains useful resources about learning styles and student centred teaching and learning. The Index of Learning Styles is an on-line self-scoring questionnaire that can be used to assess learner preferences on four dimensions (active/reflective, sensing/intuitive, visual/verbal, and sequential/global). A four-page handout briefly explains the characteristics of each learning style and how those learners can assist their own learning. A list of publications on the model, other learning models and learning styles in general is provided. This website is also a good source of information about how active, cooperative and inductive learning can be used to shift the focus of teaching from the teacher to the learners.

Pratt, D.D., & Collins, J.B. (2013) Teaching Perspectives Inventory.
The ‘Teaching Perspectives Inventory’ is a useful tool for personnel reflection on teaching practice and beliefs. The inventory assesses which of 5 qualitatively different perspectives dominate your orientation to teaching and how each perspective informs your beliefs, intentions and actions. This simple exercise can help you to collect your thoughts and summarise your ideas about teaching. It also allows comparison of how your actions, intentions and beliefs are informed by each teaching perspective; do your intentions match your actions? The inventory is useful for examining your own teaching, but familiarisation with the five teaching perspectives may also assist you to better understand the views of other teachers and be useful when peer reviewing or mentoring others.

University of Buffalo. (2013). National center for case study teaching in science.
The mission of the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science is to promote the development and dissemination of materials and practices for case teaching in the sciences. Their website provides access to an extensive collection of peer-reviewed case studies (over 478 case studies) across a diversity of science and engineering topics. Each case study is accompanied by teaching notes that provide additional information for instructors about the background/context of the case study, learning objectives, tips for class room management, questions for students and additional readings. Password protected answer keys are available upon request for many of the case studies (for instructors only) and modification of the case studies to best fit individual course needs is encouraged. The repository is tailored to the teaching of science, but the case studies and teaching notes may be useful examples of good practice for other disciplines. A list of publications on using, writing, teaching with and assessing case study work is also provided.

Griffith University. Good practice guides. ‘Enhancing student engagement in first year; 10 strategies for success’.
This brief guide outlines strategies for engaging first year students, but the same strategies could be applied to other student cohorts.

Case studies

Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, Indiana University Bloomington. (2013). Going Social: It’s a state of mind. Faculty spotlights.
This case study shows how Sarah Smith-Robbins engages and empowers her students by giving them control over what they do to demonstrate learning outcomes and how they learn. Her innovative approach is student centred and strongly based on pedagogical principles, incorporating technology, collaborative and active learning. The case study itself includes text descriptions of Sarah’s approach and videos of Sarah reflecting on her approach and teaching philosophy.

Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, Indiana University Bloomington. (2012). The power of storytelling to engage students. Faculty spotlights.
This case study describes how Alwiya Omar uses storytelling as a key pedagogical approach. Effective use of technology to improve student learning is also demonstrated, for example Alyiwa has designed learning activities in which students develop stories and get feedback from instructors and other students on a wiki.

Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, Indiana University Bloomington. IUB iPad Faculty Learning Community.
This collection of short case studies describe how academics from Indiana University have incorporated the use of iPads into their courses and classroom activities.


University of New South Wales. (2008). UNSWelearning, Innovative Teaching: 3 case studies.
Three teachers from UNSW, talk about their teaching strategies, what does and does not work for them and in particular how they engage students. Some innovative teaching techniques are demonstrated; such as the use of games to engage students in lectures, blogging, optional assignments, and the use of podcasts to explain assignments instead of a traditional assignment outline. Featuring; Rebecca Lebard, James Arvanitakis and Tam Nguyen.



Curtin teaching and learning, Curtin University. eScholar.
This collection of video clips showcases good practice in elearning and assessment at Curtin University. The case studies demonstrate a variety of teaching techniques across disciplines such as; the use of wikis to create learning communities and facilitate group assignments, use of instructional vodcasts to model skills and encourage preparation before class, online case studies and debates, web writing assignments and other online assessments.


Buckland, R. (2011). Gamification, assessment, and the joy of learning: University of New South Wales.
Richard Buckland discusses the innovative way in which he has restructured a first year computing course to inspire learning instead of enforcing it. He discusses the value and challenges associated with designing assessment for learning vs. using assessment as a motivational tool. He describes motivational strategies beyond assessment, such as the use of games and elearning technology to create a ‘learning community’. Through his presentation he also illustrates how enthusiasm, humor and narrative can be used to delineate concepts and engage an audience.



Buckland, R. (2009). Wikis in University Teaching and Learning: University of New South Wales.
In this Seminar, Richard Buckland describes how he has used wiki’s to promote student centered and collaborative learning. For example, he writes minimalistic lecture notes on a wiki and encourages students to alter and add to his notes over the semester so that by the end of the course they have excellent notes for revision. He prints the completed notes as a ‘course textbook’ that is provided to students at the final exam, providing an incentive for the contribution of quality notes. The use of a wiki enables two-way flow of ideas, promotes collaborative learning and empowers students by giving them ownership over the notes/course content. He also talks about using wikis for student assignment submissions and reflective diaries. He discusses the benefits and challenges of using wiki’s and gives tips on what does and does not work from his experience. Richard’s case study demonstrates how technology can be used to facilitate student centered and collaborative learning, and how personal reflection and evaluation of practice can be used to inform change and improve student learning.



Simon Fraser University. (2008) Winning secrets to teaching excellence.
In this video three award winning professors describe what makes their teaching excellent. They talk about strategies that they use to engage students, create a safe learning environment and above all how they try to inspire a love of learning. Students also provide commentary on what they think makes the professors effective teachers. Featuring; John Jones, Andrew Gemino and DD Kugler.
