Criterion 4
Good practice guides and other resources
Criterion 4 | Developing effective environments, student support and guidance
Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training, University of Tasmania. Creating accessible teaching and support.
This site is a rich source of resources that will assist academics, senior administrators, service managers and disability practitioners in creating equitable access for students with disabilities. Resources are provided that facilitate greater understanding of the impact of impairment on individuals, legislation, social and political contexts, inclusive teaching and assessment, policy and administration, and the accessibility of technology, facilities and support services. For teachers, there are guides that outline strategies for designing and delivering course content, assessment and exams. These include subject specific strategies, and guides tailored to the delivery of labs and workshops, online learning, fieldwork and work placements. In addition, specific impairments are examined in detail and considerations and strategies specific to those impairments are outlined. These impairment-specific resources also facilitate valuable insight into what it is like to live and study with a disability through written case studies and well-chosen videos highlighting personal stories. Fact sheets explain how each of the impairments might affect study and extensive up to date links to other resources add to an already expansive source of information.
The University of Western Australia. (2010). Cultural diversity and inclusive practice toolkit.
This toolkit provides culturally inclusive practical guidance for staff. It is a ‘live’ resource that incorporates feedback and comments from a wide range of staff and students and will continue to be revised. Firstly, the toolkit provides general information about culturally inclusive environments and practice, culture shock, race, power and privilege, new and emerging communities, and religious identities. Secondly, it offers strategies for putting theory into practice in a variety of scenarios.
Kinnear, A., Boyce, M., Sparrow, H., Middleton, S., & Cullity, M. (2008). Diversity: A longitudinal study of how student diversity relates to resilience and successful progression in a new generation university: Australian Learning and Teaching Council Ltd.
This report examines the influence of student diversity on student perceptions of their learning experience and progression through their degree and into the workforce. It is a useful resource for starting to understand the behaviours and strategies characteristic of different student cohorts and their implications for providing an inclusive and supportive learning environment.The cohorts examined include; international offshore students, students with parental responsibilities, indigenous students, first generation university students, students with a self-reported disability, part time and full time students. Language at home, age and hours in paid employment are also considered.
Kinash, S. (2011). Teaching for diversity: Universal design for learning. Education Technology Solutions, 43, 44-46.
This article provides a good introduction to universal design in teaching – the design of content and teaching approaches that attempt to meet the needs of as many students as possible. The principles of universal design are explained and illustrated through practical examples and case studies from progressive educators.
Lawrence, A.E., Alsop, L., Flood., M., & Wibberley, G. (2000). Inclusive practices for university students with disabilities; a guide for academic staff. New South Wales: The University of New South Wales and Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs.
This guide is a good starting resource for academic staff who want to better understand how they can assist students with disabilities. It addresses and dispels common myths about students with disabilities, provides explanation of appropriate actions and use of language in a university context and the legal obligations of Universities. The guide emphasises that students with disabilities are not a homogenous group and that their strengths, weaknesses, aspirations and needs should be assessed on an individual basis. As such, a range of scenarios, tips and strategies are provided; some general and some specific to certain disability types.
Monash University. (2003). Inclusive Teaching.
This website provides resources to support staff in the teaching of students with physical, social, economic and cultural barriers that impair equitable access and participation in higher education. Resources include general guides to inclusive practice that outline considerations, strategies and a checklist. Specific guides also explain how learning disabilities and mental health may impact on study and strategies for assisting students from these cohorts to achieve their potential. Case studies are provided that illustrate issues, possible adjustments and other strategies and tips. There are also videos featuring staff talking about their experiences of teaching students with disabilities, the challenges and benefits of inclusive practice and student diversity, and their advice for other staff.
Leask, B. & Wallace, J. (2011). Good practice report; learning and teaching across cultures: Australian Learning and Teaching Council.
A good practice directory for inclusive practice in tertiary education, this report summarising key outcomes of ALTC funded projects related to learning and teaching across cultures. Includes a review of national and international literature related to learning and teaching across cultures, with a focus on strategies for improving student learning. The key themes of the projects summarised include; supporting international students, designing curriculum that increases interaction between domestic and international students, internationalising curriculum, supporting study abroad and postgraduate by research students and the support required to meet refuge student needs.
White, N., Frawley, J., & Anh, D. (2013). Good practice report: Innovative indigenous teaching and learning. Office for Learning and Teaching.
Good practice directory of Australian learning and teaching projects on indigenous higher education. The report includes a review of practice and scholarly research in indigenous higher education in Australia, with reference to initiatives that have been successful in South America and New Zealand. Factors affecting indigenous participation, recruitment and retention are discussed with emphasis of initiatives that have led to improvement. The authors recommend several approaches and principles for consideration in building success in indigenous education.
Asmar, C. and collaborators. (2012) Indigenous Teaching at Australian Universities.
The exemplars and resources on this website are designed for anyone engaged in Indigenous teaching in Australian universities. In the Australian context, ‘Indigenous teaching’ is inclusive of any teaching involving Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students, teachers, or subject matter. A set of brief ‘research-based exemplars for good practice’ across a number of contexts and discipline areas are provided, as well as slides and audio presented at the 2009 Forum on Indigenous Learning and Teaching held at the University of Melbourne.
Macquarie University. (2012). Cross Cultural Supervision Project.
Excellent resource for identifying and facing the challenges associated with supervision of post-graduate students, in particular students studying outside of their home country or local students from different cultural backgrounds. Resources to facilitate cross-cultural communication and understanding are provided for both supervisors and students including videos and written scenarios illustrating different aspects of supervision, practical strategies and an annotated bibliography.