Criterion 7

Good practice guides and other resources


Criterion 7 | Professional and personal effectiveness

Alkema, A. (2011). A tertiary practitioner’s guide to collecting evidence of learner benefit. Wellington, New Zealand: Ako Aoterearoa National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence.
A guide to collecting data to support professional reflective practice. The guide provides examples of types of data that can be used as evidence of student learning. The strengths and weaknesses of different data sources are explored and tips are given for selecting data that is fit for purpose, collection methods and how to critique and think about the data.

Ballantyne, R., Bain, J., & Packer, J. (Eds.). (1997). Reflecting on university teaching; academics’ stories [Book]. Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Canberra, Australia.
This book features the reflections of teaching academics from a range of disciplines and numerous universities. The academics featured reflect on their teaching practice, what they believe constitutes good practice within their teaching context and their experiences with colleagues within and across disciplines. The book is a useful example of reflective practice for teachers learning to reflect on their own practice. Furthermore, the teaching activities and initiatives described also demonstrate good practice. The structure of the book is designed to give readers multiple points of access so that they can explore the chapters most relevant to them. The contents page includes short descriptions of each chapter and appendices arrange chapters by teaching activity, discipline or university. Subtopics of interest within chapters provide another entry point.

Bain, J., Ballantyne, R., Mills, C. and Lester, N. (2002) Reflecting on practice: Student teachers’ perspectives [Book]. Flaxton, Queensland: Post Pressed.
This book provides a framework for reflecting on teaching practice. The 5R’s framework outlines 5 steps to reflection on practice; reporting, responding, relating, reasoning and reconstructing. Although the book itself is not focussed on teaching in a higher education context, the framework is just as applicable to university teaching.

Criterion 7: Exemplars