- Engages in professional development activities related to teaching and learning
- Participation in teaching related professional development (e.g. induction program)
- Self-evaluation leading to changes in teaching practice
- Student and peer feedback is used to enhance teaching practice
- For relevant student survey items, average or above average scores for two consecutive years and in all units taught e.g.
• Overall, the tutor/teacher effectively supports my learning
- Systematic participation in teaching related professional development activities
- Successful completion of Foundation of University Teaching program (or equivalent)
- Completion of HDR supervision training
- Undertaking a Grad Cert in Teaching
- Membership of disciplinary teaching network (internal, eg T & L network, external eg, HERDSA, OLT)
- Attendance, participation in teaching and learning related conferences.
- Self-evaluation leading to changes in teaching practice and student outcomes
- Student and peer feedback is used to enhance teaching practice
- Average or above average score for two consecutive years and in all Units taught in student surveys
Meets the requirements for Level B and
- Contribution and participation in professional development activities in university, discipline, faculty
- Completion of a Grad Cert in Teaching
- Mentoring and peer review of colleagues in teaching
- Presentation at (peer reviewed) teaching and learning related conferences
- Successful achievement in roles such as mentor, peer reviewer, Chair of committees etc.
Meets the requirements for Level C and
- Leadership and contribution in the provision of professional development of others
- Mentoring and peer review of colleagues in teaching
- Completion of a Grad Cert in Teaching
- Evidence of a sustained and successful commitment to and engagement in, continuing professional development related to academic, institutional and/or other professional practice
- Successful achievement in roles such as mentor, peer reviewer, Chair of committees etc.
- Average or above average score for four consecutive years in all Unit/Courses taught in student surveys
Meets the requirements for Level D and
- Sustained and successful commitment to and engagement in continuing professional development related to academic, institutional and/or other professional practice at (inter)national level
- Contributes to and/or leads professional development courses
- Establishing effective organisational policies and/or strategies in supporting and promoting others (e.g. through mentoring, coaching) in evaluation of teaching
- National impact and peer recognition
- Student surveys, comments and feedback
- Peer review on a range of dimensions of teaching
- Mapping achievements and experience to professional standards frameworks
- Application for teaching fellowship (HERDSA, HEA)
- Certificates/ transcripts of professional development undertaken, duration, changes made as a consequence
- Details and examples of the impact of the change in practice, evidence of changes in student, peer evaluation
- Details of contribution to the professional development, mentoring of others, and outcomes
- Invitations to present keynote at T & L and disciplinary conferences
- Teaching Portfolio demonstrating reflective practice
- Examples of leadership contribution in professional development and evaluation